Outside the THEATER stage, with the motto that “The artist should go to his character”, the Elbasan International Festival closed its 26th season.
With thoughtful and well-chosen streams so that the city’s scenes do not lack the diversity of a Contemporary Theatre, with the inclusion of its eternal genres: tragedy, comedy, monodrama, dance-theatre, circus, theatrical literature and visual art, as components of the theater of yesterday and today. But always with the same messages and scenic images that time suggests.
Jashtë skenës së TEATRIT, me moton “Artisti duhet të shkojë te personazhi i tij”, Festivali Ndërkombëtar i Elbasanit mbylli sezonin e tij të 26-të. Me prurje të menduara dhe të zgjedhura mirë, që skenave të qytetit të mos u mungojë larmia e një Teatri Bashkëkohor, me përfshirjen e zhanreve të tij të përjetshme: tragjedi, komedi, monodramë, kërcim-teatër, cirk, letërsi teatrale dhe arti pamor, si përbërës. të teatrit të djeshëm dhe të sotëm. Por gjithmonë me të njëjtat mesazhe dhe imazhe skenike që sugjeron koha.
Miho GJINI – Kritik Teatri / Theater Critic
Let’s take a moment to celebrate 25 years of the international theater festival “Skampa” in an album that recaps the main theater events over the years of one of the most famous and old festivals of the western Balkans “Skampa International Theatre Festival”
“Gates of Tomorrow” marks the 25th edition of the Skampa Festival, starting on October 14, 2023.

Every second autumn – the Skampa Festival shows its generosity by wearing its artistic cloak on the stage environments and the attractive open spaces of the city with contemporary theater and a variety of parallel events such as workshops, presentations, exhibitions, concerts, and meetings. Over the years, the festival has welcomed hundreds of artists, prominent names of the Albanian and international scene, theaters, and theater companies from over 50 countries around the world. Born at the turn of the century, this festival essentially meant the presence of hope, of the need for a new dimension of our human existence.
Of course, today, after a quarter of a century, we ask the question: from here we are, where we will go? Such is the theater, which poses problems without giving definitions, but which with its language stimulates our ambitions inseparable from dreams for humanity, brings closer the love of beauty, the discovery of truth – unrepresented, to change human life. We live in a reality where we must be brave and creative. The theater has always known how to be in the challenge itself and change.
Mirë se vini në Festivalin Ndërkombëtar Skampa, një teatër i i mrekullueshëm që merr jetë çdo vit në qytetin tonë të bukur të Elbasanit! Portat e së Nesërmes. 14 – 19 tetor, 2023: Festivali 25 Teatror Ndërkombëtar Skampa Çdo vjeshtë të dytë – Festivali Skampa shfaq bujarinë e tij duke veshur me mantelin e vet artistik mjediset e skenës dhe hapësirat atraktive të hapura të qytetit me teatër bashkëkohor dhe larmi ngjarjesh paralele si: workshop-e (punëtori), prezantime, ekspozita e takime të ndryshme. Ndër vite festivali ka mirëpritur qindra artistë, emra të shquar të skenës shqiptare e botërore, teatro e kompani teatrore të ardhura nga mbi 50 vende të botës. I lindur në këmbim të shekujve, ky festival nënkuptonte në thelb edhe praninë e shpresës, të nevojës për një dimension të ri të ekzistencës sonë humane. Natyrshëm, sot, pas një çerek shekulli shtrojmë pyetjen: nga ketu ku jemi, ku do shkojme ? I tillë është teatri, i cili shtron probleme pa dhënë definicione, por që me gjuhën e tij nxit ambiciet tona të pandashme nga ëndrrat për njerëzimin, afron dashurinë për te bukuren, zbulimin e së vërtetës – të papërfaqësuar, për të ndryshuar jetën njerëzore. Jetojmë ne një realitet ku duhet të jemi të guximshëm dhe krijues. Teatri gjithmonë ka ditur të jetë në sfidë me veten dhe ndryshimin.

“Theater’s Song” is the motto of the 24th edition of the Skampa Festival, starting from October 11, 2022.
“Kënga e Teatrit” është motoja e edicionit të 24-të të Festivalit Skampa, duke nisur nga data 11 tetor 2022.

“Theater’s Song” is the motto 24th edition of Festival Skampa 2022. He comes on the stage of the festival ‘ Skampa, to say what we are, what we do, what we see and do not see, and to appreciate and love beauty. His emotions come as a voice of the theater’s endurance in this complex fragile world, filled with the insecurities of our human beings, as a refrain capable of challenging at all times.
“Kënga e Teatrit” quhet edicioni i 24-të i Festivalit Skampa 2022. Ai vjen në skenën e festivalit “Skampa”, për të thënë çfarë jemi, çfarë bëjmë, çfarë shohim dhe nuk shohim, për të vlerësuar dhe dashuruar të bukurën. Emocionet e tij vijnë si një zë i qëndresës së teatrit në këtë botë komplekse të brishtë, të mbushur me pasiguri të qenies sonë njerëzore, si një refren i aftë për të sfiduar në çdo kohë.

End of season, “Theater three” – the 23rd edition of the International Festival of Contemporary Theater “Skampa”
“Theater three” – the 23rd edition of the International Festival of Contemporary Theater “Skampa” closed successfully on the evening of October 6, with the play “Our Yunus” of the Ankara State Theater. Nine theatrical troupes from Albania, Kosovo, Italy, Lithuania, Serbia and Turkey, continued the uninterrupted tradition of quality performances of scenic art with a variety of new styles and forms in this festival. A number of personalities, prominent theater specialists from the country and the world, were also part of this edition, as every year. In addition to the performances that took place on the stage of the “Skampa” Theater, there were also performances in attractive open spaces of the city of Elbasan, with the aim of promoting intercultural dialogue between artists and art-loving spectators. Since the “Skampa” Festival does not only follow a cultural model, but also produces art and culture of other genres, there was no way to miss other cultural activities in this edition. Among them was the promotion of the book “A dream of passion” by Lee Strasberg, brought in Albanian by Adonis Filipi and Klejda Plangarica, as well as a special memorial meeting for artists who passed away prematurely leaving traces in the history of theater. , Bekim Lumi, Luran Ahmeti and Shpëtim Shmili. Organized by the European Association of Albanian Contemporary Theater TAK, this event was made possible thanks to the support of the Municipality of Elbasan, the Ministry of Culture, the Regional Council and various sponsors, as well as the continuous encouragement of city art lovers and theatrical community within and abroad. Through the “Theater Three” concept, the 23rd edition came as a challenging act in the face of the difficult pandemic situation – through Faith, Love and Hope, as well as a model to keep up with the times, to tune in. further changed. “A voice of hope and inspiration opportunity that opened the gates to the public conveying fun and positive energy.”
“Our Yunus” Ankara State Theater.
Klejda Plangarica
Coordinator for Media and Public Relations
23rd Edition Theatrical Plays
Opening of the 23rd International Festival of Contemporary Theater “SKAMPA” – Theater Three
30 September – 6 October 2021
Opening speech, “Traces” the 22nd edition of the International Festival of Contemporary Theater “Skampa”
When a year ago we were working on the current edition of “Trace”, I did not think at any point that 2020 would be the one that would test our ability to understand the strange reality around us. Crises lead to rediscovering ourselves. As Albert Camus wrote, the plague is about starting over. Real-world developments completely influenced our initial plans. The festival was to be moved from its scheduled program to the end of October – the last days of September. The “Trace” motif substrates also changed, forcing us to make adjustments to the program that come from our current perception of ourselves, of the meaning of art in our lives, and of its display in public space. Aware of the anxiety that accompanies our union and the stony silence of empty squares and streets, which are still fresh in our minds, we are trying to redefine the meaning of theater in the open urban environment. Despite the limitations, we are trying to build a safe stage to testify our aspiration for continuity and challenge, so that the 22nd edition of the Skampa Festival serves as an act of inspiration for people. Enjoyment and dreaming are an existential condition of our lives. The entire 22nd edition of the Skampa Festival will be held in attractive open spaces of the city of Elbasan – from those of cultural heritage to squares – obviously with the aim of promoting interactive dialogue between artists, viewers and art promoters.